Alan Smith

Arjun Arunasalam

PhD Student at Purdue University

Personal Profile

I am a first year PhD student at Purdue University interested in security related research. My advisor is Dr. Z. Berkay Celik


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

PhD student in Computer Science

August 2020 - Present

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Computer Engineering (Summa Cum Laude)

April 2020

Work Experience

IBM Research, Yorktown, NY

Research Intern

May 2019 – April 2020

  • Conducted research on security analytics for microservice applications in cloud services specifically container based applications, resulting in successful vulnerability scanning of applications
  • Developed RESTful APIs to ease interaction between different applications, enabling joint collaboration from multiple teams within the organisation
  • Worked on automated remediation for vulnerable applications with a focus on operating system vulnerabilities, leading to successful patch up of vulnerable packages
  • Developed User Interface for analytics project tool using JavaScript and HTML, interfacing with APIs to provide user friendly ways to view analytics results

University of Michigan Research Program, Ann Arbor, MI

SURE Summer Research Intern

May 2018 - July 2018

  • Conducted research on improving battery life in IoT (Internet of Things) devices using collaborative sensing, culminating in submitting a research paper for potential publication
  • Designed and generated synthetic data to be used in building decision trees to train a machine learning model
  • Utilized python and C++ to configure camera and GPS hardware to analyse and configure sample rates, enabling us to understand and optimize power consumption values

Promosys Technology Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

Software Engineering Intern

July 2017 - August 2017

  • Programmed music player for playing mp3 files using python GUI for client’s use, leading to company using it immediately
  • Coded multithreaded TCP server using Raspberry Pi to store information in MySQL database for nurse call system, fixing previous error in system
  • Implemented push notification feature using sensor data from Raspberry Pi via 3rd party app, diversifying the program’s features

Key Skills

  • C++
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Docker
  • Git
  • RESTful APIs