About me

I am a 5th year Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Purdue University, working in human-centered security and privacy. I work under the supervision of Dr. Z. Berkay Celik and am part of PurSec Lab.

My primary research goal is understanding and improving security, privacy, and trust on sociotechnical systems from a human-centered lens. My research combines user-centered mixed methods, comprising qualitative methods (e.g., digital ethnography and focus groups) and quantitative studies (e.g., surveys and inferential statistics) to expose (1) how sociotechnical systems can fail to deliver content users can trust, (2) emerging abuse from bad actors and (3) impact of abuse on end users’ security and privacy decisions and perceptions.


(scroll to see older news)

[March 2025] Our user-centered work on investigating Indicators of Compromise for Industrial Control System Security was accepted to Elsevier's Computers & Security journal. Congratulations Mohammed!

[February 2025] Our work on studying online communities of threat actors was accepted into a IEEE S&P magazine special issue on cybercrime and online harm

[January 2025] Our paper on XR Security was accepted into USENIX 25. Congratulations to Chandrika!

[December 2024] I gave an invited talk at UIowa as part of the rising star event!

[November 2024] Our work on mental wellbeing content and deception got accepted to ICWSM 2025!

[November 2024] I attended the Midwest Security Workshop and gave a lightning talk.

[September 2024] Serving as a program committee member for USEC'25 (Co-Located with NDSS 2025)! Please consider submitting your work.

[August 2024] Serving as a program committee member for USENIX'25! Please consider submitting your work.

[July 2024] Received a USENIX'24 Registration grant! Thank you USENIX - Excited to present our work on refugee S&P in Philly.

[April 2024] I passed my Ph.D. preliminary examination and am now officially a Ph.D. candidate! Thank you to my committee, advisor, and collaborators for their support.

[March 2024] I received a Bravo+ employee recognition award from Purdue. Very grateful!

[Feb 2024] Presented our work on toxic content against refugees at USEC 2024. Thanks to our collaborators :)

[Feb 2024] Presented our research on dropshipping at NDSS 2024 in San Diego. Thanks to all collaborators for making this project happen.